Man, you know the recession is in full effect when a Dark Lord of the Sith can't get a job! He probably can't apply for unemployment either, since the last place he worked was on Coruscant and I don't think New York will honor, he did throw his last employer into a Power Core shaft and I think that is grounds for termination.
Well, you may be asking yourself, "Self, why has it been a year since Jason updated this blog??" To which I must reply, "Quit talking to yourself!"
The real reason, that I didn't actually know until today, is that I was waiting for the following video. If you grew up in the 80s or just like to see people playing with an organ (yeah, I said it) then you will realize why this blog needed a year of rest before it could properly convey the awesomeness that is... "The Chipophone."
As you can see, this Swede is my hero. So we must all bow down to the Master of the Dark Magicked Organ that is Linus Akesson.