Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Every-day Super Powers

Apparently all humans are pre-cogs. In this article we learn that there is a 1/10th of a second lag between light hitting your eye and your brain going, "OK. That is a monkey on a unicycle."

What? You don't see monkey unicyclists??

Anyway, according to the super smart scientists our brain has evolved a way of guessing what is going to happen based on all of the visual data it is receiving. That way when you are double-dutch jump roping, playing jacks, or participating in other schoolyard activities your brain and body know when to act so you don't get your feet tangled up or lose at jacks. Nobody wants to lose at jacks.

But what if everything you did was 1/10th of a second faster than everyone else? You could be the most lame Super Hero since Captain Planet!!!

You would be known as Slightly Ahead Man. or Mister Jump-the-Gun. or The Senses. Ok, that one was really lame...I think we have a winner!

Just think.... you could finish peoples sentences, deny having farted first, enjoy ice cream more quickly! The possibilities are 1/10th of endless!!

Man, I wish I had more powers than my stupid old seeing-the-future eyes that everyone else has.

1 comment:

korben said...

Haha, awesome! Captain Tithe could be such an annoying person. Just to make sure you know that he's a little bit ahead to everything you'd say he'd say, "yeah I thought about that a tenth of a second ago."