Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Free Hats!!!

Let me tell you a story. This is a cautionary tale to all people who value patriotism, freedom, love, and sandwiches. Ok, well it doesn't really involve those things but it got you interested. Anyway these are way too politically charged times for me to be writing about patriotism and freedom.

No, this story is about Larry.

Free Hats!

As Larry’s grasp on reality slipped away, he knew what Chicago needed. Certain that wild falcons would enliven the city; he began illegally importing birds by the thousand and releasing them. He was right. May 10th was declared a holiday: “Shoot a Bird, Get a Hat Day”. Now, I have twelve hats. Larry’s still crazy.

I love Nanofiction.

I think I'll do it more frequently....which means I'll being playing it with Jess more often I'm sure.
That will make her happy.

Thanks to Petch Petcherson for the setting, problem, and resolution used to inspire Free Hats!

1 comment:

The Bek said...

While I can appreciate the challenge of creating something artistic within artificially constructed confines, I must say I am a bit dissapppointed. You had a perfect opportunity to frame your introduction paragraph within the same structure, but you failed to. You just missed the word count. Seriously, if I can do it in the comment...