Friday, May 16, 2008


So for people who don't know, it rains a lot in Tallahassee during the summer. As in every day there is rain for at least 30 minutes in the afternoon.

This got me thinking.

What if there was a place that had every kind of weather phenomenon every day??

My daily schedule would look something like this:

7am- Wake up to the gentle rumblings of our daily 4 point earthquake.

8am- Bundle up, because you have to go defrost the windows for your morning commute though a quick 2in snowfall.

11am- Early lunch, have to get back to the office before Hurricane Ted hits at 1:30pm.

3pm- Afternoon snack/Watch today's tornado fly past office window.

5pm- Run across parking lot to avoid golf ball sized hail.

7pm- Eat dinner on patio to enjoy the evening's lightning storm. Keep plenty of rubber nearby.

10pm- Drift off to sleep to the soft patter of rainfall.

12pm- Dream of rainbows. (Because of the rain...yeah that's it.)

Hmm.. other than earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes it doesn't actually sound too bad.

Especially the rainbows.

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